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Fight Antisemitism
Combat Hate & Protect Communities
Confront Discrimination & Secure Justice
Stand Up for Israel
Promote Respectful Schools & Communities

My Subscriptions

We publish newsletters on important news and ideas about fighting anti-Semitism and other forms of hate, and we share ADL research, advocacy and educational resources to help you speak out online and in your community. Please select those you’d like to receive.

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My Region's Newsletter

ADL in your community, fighting antisemitism, extremism and hate of all kinds — and ways you can get more involved

Campus Crisis Alert

News updates and ways you can take action against the rise of antisemitism and hate on college campuses


The latest news stories from across the country and around the globe in the fight against antisemitism, extremism and hate

International Report

Our work around the world fighting antisemitism and other forms of hate, and what you can do to get more involved

Advocacy Matters

ADL’s vital policy work in Washington and around the country, and actions you can take to counter hate and extremism

Center On Extremism

News, trends and a look at the work ADL's Center on Extremism (COE) experts do every day

Education Update

Anti-bias curricula, lesson plans and resources to help promote equity in schools and communities

ADL en Perspectiva

Issues of interest to the Latinx community and resources in both English and Spanish

Fighting Hate Online

News, trends and legislation to fight online hate and harassment from ADL‘s Center for Technology and Society

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